Thursday, November 8, 2012

Should Parents Prevent Children from Playing Computer Games?

For this project I studied the benefits of letting children play computer games. In another word, parents should not prevent their children from playing computer games.

This is a big issue between parents and teenagers because some of teenagers lost control playing video games day and night because they lack self-control. As a result of unhealthy life, numbers of parents begin to prevent their children from playing computer games. Gradually, almost parents have a preconception that computer games should be forbidden from children’s life.

This project presents my findings and hopefully acts as a guide for you to learn more about the benefit of playing computer games. Firstly, I made a video to briefly summarizes the issue and my thoughts on the topic. Also I provided some vocabulary words to help you understand better about this topic. And, I summarized two readings I’ve done on this topic and also with the original links. Finally, I have my formal argument that I presents my stance on the issues.

I hope you enjoy learning about this topic. If you have any questions please feel free to comment.

Thank you!

Benefit of Playing Computer Games for Children

Playing computer games is now a big issue between parents and teenagers. As technology is developing rapidly and computer games are growing flourishing, playing computer games has become an important entertainment for many, especially for teenagers. Some of teenagers lost control playing video games day and night because they lack self-control. As a result of unhealthy life, numbers of parents begin to prevent their children from playing computer games. Gradually, almost parents have a preconception that computer games should be forbidden from children’s life. Although it may be true that playing video games may affect children negatively, it does have its benefit to children in some aspects. Parents shouldn’t dogmatically prohibit children from playing computer games. Quite the contrary, they should realize the adventures of playing computer games and guide their children to play them the appropriate way.

One important advantage of playing computer games is to improve children’s multiple intelligences, like problem-solving skills, eye-hand coordination and financial transactions skills.For example, in a lot of computer games, people have their own individual money account to deposit their money that come from many activities like killing monster, selling objects and trading with others in the game. They also need their money to buy new game time or new weapon. So they need to learn to manage their account and distribute the money rational when they play video games. This help children to build basic financial concepts.

Children can also improve teamwork leadership skills through computer games. In many computer games, there are a lot of tasks that requires several players work together. It let teenagers understand that sometimes a team works much more effective than a individual people. Also, by going through a lot of teamwork, they might find out the best way for them to work with other people. People need to learn their own way when they start to work in a group and computer games are the best choice. Children can easily figure out what is their right job in a group after several teamwork. A leader, a policymaker, a operator or a rear service personnel.

In addition, computer games give children opportunities to go through experiments different from daily life that can make them more tenacious and confident. Computer game players always have to finish a lot of task or competition to get an achievement. Many tasks in computer games set time limits that makes players feel stressful because every step they take influent their final result and group benefit. When they meet troubles they are supposed to figure it immediately by group work. Usually, this can teach children how to do well in a stressful situation and how to make decisive and effective executives. The computer game player have more experience to face and figure problems.

So many parents believe that video games wastes children’s time that they should study. Actually, it is the problem of how students manage their time and control themselves. It is a great chance to let them learn how to deal with the desire in life. If parents teach children play computer games in a scientific way, children can improve their multiple intelligence, leadership skills and fine qualities like confidence.


Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Computer Games Vocabulary

Dehydration (n) [dee-hahy-drey-shuhn]
Forms: dehydrate(n), dehydrator(n)
an abnormal loss of water from the body, especially from illness or physical exertion
Sentence: For many people, a feeling of thirst only becomes apparent after significant dehydration.

Withhold (v) [with-hohld]
Forms: withholder(n)
refuse to give (something that is due to or is desired by another)
Sentence: The name of the dead man is being withheld.

Flicker (v) [flik-er]
Forms: N/A
(of light or a source of light) shine unsteadily; vary rapidly in brightness
Sentence: The interior lights flickered and came on.

Preponderance (n) [pri-pon-der-uhns]
Forms: N/A
the quality or fact of being greater in number, quantity, or importance
Sentence: The great preponderance of opinion supported the view.

Predisposition (n) [pree-dis-puh-zish-uhn]
Forms: N/A
a liability or tendency to suffer from a particular condition, hold a particularattitude, or act in a particular way
Sentence: There is a clear genetic predisposition to the disease.

Summary: Computer Games

In the article "Your Teen and Video Games: How to Set Limits", author Kate Kelly discusses that computer games do have benefits to children but children shouldn’t let computer games control their life. She supports this claim by explaining that children like playing video games because of brilliant special effects, interesting assignment and so on and parents worry about video games because of the violence in game might influence children. Furthermore, she explains that the advantage of children to play computer games like intellectual growth and eye-hand coordination developing. Finally, she points out the importance of let children set limitsto control playing video games which apportion of their time.

In the article  "Teens and video games: How much is too much?" , the author Becky Oskin demonstrate a series of new which prove that sitting at a computer or console for days for computer games isn't healthy for anyone and it causes even dead. Furthermore, he points that gaming displaces after-school academic activities such as homework and reading. Otherwise, violent content in video games is more difficult for parents to control.
And violent video games increase the aggressive behavior in teens. The behaviors are hurtful offenses like teasing, name-calling, rumor-spreading and fist fights. The truth of the matter is that most people can handle this media, but for some people with a select predisposition, these people might be a little more aggressive.
Finally, he makes a conclusion that any media is supposed to engage us emotionally, and video games are a form of media, a form of art even.